Suspension of Membership Request.
In accordance with the Axis Performance Terms and Conditions of Membership, please note that in order to meet suspension request criteria, the below requirements must be met.
Membership suspensions are available for up to four weeks in every 12-month period. The below suspension request form must be completed in full, at least 7 full days before the affected payments for the period requested and suspension requests cannot be back dated. Additional suspension time is not available for any reason other than sporting competition requiring travel.
A member can suspend due to regional, interstate or overseas competition with proof of travel and sanctioned competition registration. Proof of travel must have a start and end date. For specific sporting competition, a written request to management must be made at least a full 7 days before the affected payments for the period requested and cannot be backdated.
Membership suspension fees do not contribute to the total minimum membership fee, nor does suspended time contribute to the minimum term.
Pregnancy suspension is available for all pregnant members. Pregnancy suspension will not incur any fees and is available for up to 12 months from 4 weeks of pregnancy, with evidence provided. If a pregnancy suspension is required, detailed supporting documentation from a GP or OBGYN must be submitted within 21 days of request submission.
Medical suspension is available due to injury or illness. A Medical Certificate must be provided by a registered medical professional (GP, Specialist or Surgeon) or by an Axis Performance Allied Health Professional. Medical Certificate must include both a start date and end date for it to be valid. Medical Suspension time does not affect contracted suspension time. Medical Suspension does not affect the minimum term of the membership agreement.
If your suspension request meets the above criterium, please complete the below suspension request form. Once received and processed, you will receive an email confirmation on the status of your suspension request.